This is not a political blog, but being in DC on Tuesday night was an historic, moving and amazing place to be.
I was incredibly fortunate to have been on U Street when they announced Obama as the winner. I was a part of the spontaneous crowd that poured into the street, honking horns and dancing on cars. I danced with people I'd never met, smiled at everyone I saw, hugged friends with tears in my eyes.
The same street that burned 40 years ago in the wake of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination, the neighborhood of Langston Hughes and Thurgood Marshall and Duke Ellington came alive with joy on Tuesday night and into the early hours of Wednesday. I feel honored and proud to have been a part of it, and my eyes well up even now thinking of it.
I know this blog has been quiet of late. I work in politics, and it was a busy time for us. My plan right now is to come back in the new year with a slightly different focus, but one I hope will make the blog even better. There may be the occasional post here and there, but I hope to begin regular posting again in January. I thank you for your patience.